Golf is way more fun when you can hit bombs off the tee.  This is why there are literally thousands of tips, blog posts and videos purporting to teach you how to hit longer drives.

The fact of the matter is that there is a process.  Random tips are going to do you no good if you don’t practice the right things and train properly.

With this post, I breakdown this process into a few key steps.

Step 1 – Fix your golf swing

My golf swing

The fact of the matter is, most of you reading this have lousy golf swings, and that is why you can’t hit it out of your shadow.

No, you don’t need a perfect golf swing to hit bombs.  I can personally attest to that.

At 58 years old as I write this on New Years Day 2025, I have a less than ideal looking swing.

Yet, it is not hard for me to get my swing speed up over 110 mph.

However, my golf swing sequence is pretty close to ideal.  That is where you need to start.

If you are the classic amateur golfer who hits nothing but slices and pulls with your driver, then your sequencing is out of whack and you need to fix it.

Naturally, there may be other swing issues holding you back as well.  I’ve worked with golfers who had really fast swing speeds but were not reaching their potential due to some major flaws.

The key here is to get your key issues diagnosed and work on fixing them.  All of the other tips are meaningless until you do that.

When you sign up for the Hit Bombs newsletter, you’ll learn everything you need to know to understand how to diagnose and make improvements to your swing.

Step 2 – Get Strong

How to hit longer drives

Me deadlifting 355 pounds

One of the big disagreements I have with the golf fitness community is the lack of attention on legitimate strength training.

I believe this lack of attention is due to one issue… few of the personal trainers and certified golf fitness professionals know anything about legitimate strength training.

Legitimate strength training involves training with barbells.

It would appear that many golfers and golf fitness professionals are afraid to employ this type of training for fear of injury.

This is due to a lack of knowledge more than anything else.

The two best exercises for training for pure strength, the squat and the deadlift, are based upon natural human movement patterns.

Therefore, they can be performed safely when done correctly.

The problem is most golf fitness professionals do not know how to teach these movements, so they push more “safe” exercises that will never allow their clients to get really strong.

Some of these exercises involve training for speed.  These exercises can produce far more wear and tear on the body than the strength training exercises I mention.

After fixing your golf swing, getting strong should be your next priority.

The benefits of legitimate strength training will go well beyond just helping to increase your golf swing speed.

If you want to remain functional and mobile, and play golf at an advanced age, train for strength.

If you want to look better and have more confidence, train for strength.

If you want improved heart health, more muscle and less fat, then train for strength.

Legitimate strength training is the best form of exercise you can add to your fitness program, bar none.

The Hit Bombs newsletter will cover how to train for strength to get the most out of your game.

Step 3 – How to hit longer drives – Improved mobility and flexibility

how to hit longer tee shotsThis is the area of fitness where the golf fitness community is most focused.

As a result, they do some excellent work here.

Improved mobility in stiff joints, and more flexible muscles can help you increase the range of motion in your golf swing.

Keep this in mind though… this type of work will NOT FIX your golf swing.  It may help in achieving that goal however.

With that said, unless you have a specific issue or injury that may be holding you back, then a traditional stretching program and mobility work through exercise such as Yoga and Pilates will do the trick.

Check out some of my favorite stretching exercises.  

The Hit Bombs newsletter will provide you with more great ideas to help improve your mobility.

Step 4 – Get fast with power and speed training

How to improve golf swing speedOnce you have gotten yourself more fit and strong, THEN consider engaging in power and speed training.

Keep in mind though, I am not referring to swing speed training here.

This type of training involves general power and speed training through such exercises as sprints, plyometrics and some rotational work.

It is important that you train your body for power and speed through more natural types of movements.

These movements will produce some wear and tear if you are not careful, which is why they are further down the list of priorities.

With that said, there are people out there over 80 who engage in sprinting.  It is THAT important as an exercise.

The health benefits of sprinting go well beyond just helping you hit longer drives!  

The Hit Bombs newsletter will give you plenty of ideas to increase your power.

Step 5 – Golf Swing Speed Training aka Overspeed Training (lowest priority)

The very last priority for hitting longer tee shots is golf swing speed training, aka overspeed training.

Yes, you can make some pretty significant gains in club head speed by incorporating this training into your program.

However, the golf swing itself is not a natural human movement pattern.  As a result, overspeed training can result in significant wear and tear.

If you’ve spent as much time as I have on the driving range, you will know this.

Just consider the number of professional players that are forced to take time off in any given year due to injury.

Can you say “Tiger Woods?”

I don’t know the origination of Tiger’s back issues, but clearly the golf swing has not helped.

Plenty of players have dealt with back issues over the years, while others have dealt with wrist, elbow, shoulder, knee and hip issues.

Do you see a pattern here?  The golf swing is hard on the joints!

Therefore, overspeed training should be approached cautiously, and should only be performed if you have everything else in order.

Final Thoughts – How To Hit Longer Drives

Every golfer on the planet wants to hit longer drives.  However, few approach this endeavor with the right priorities.

I get it though.

How do working people fit in the time to play and practice golf AND do all this other training?

Time management is obviously key.  Day to day, month to month, and season to season.  You really need to plan things out.

This is one reason why I created this website and business… to help people like you out with some coaching.

In the meantime, consider signing up for the Hit Bombs newsletter, and I will be sure to provide you with great information to help you hit longer drives!


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Are you ready to learn how to hit longer drives?

Sign up for the Hit Bombs newsletter, and I will send you ongoing content to help you improve your swing and your body!