A Complete Golf Fitness Program…

…lift your golf potential to new heights with increased strength, mobility and speed!

Golf strength and fitness

Classic golf body… big belly and skinny legs

Dear Golfer,

You are here because you want to hit longer drives.  After all, the average swing speed of a male amateur golfer is 93 mph.  That’s a full 20 mph slower than the average tour pro.

The first step in toward hitting longer drives is golf swing improvement.  Unfortunately, that’s just a fact.  You can’t hit bombs with a lousy golf swing.

Let’s assume for a minute that you have a decent swing.

I’ve got friends who have decent swings and still can’t crack 100 mph.  Sad.

The main reason is that they are generally weak and unfit compared to those of us who engage in regular strength and fitness training.

If you want to unlock your potential as a golfer, you need to get stronger, more mobile, and faster.

My Strength and Fitness program has you covered for all three of those steps.

Before you read on, understand this…

To get the full benefit of this program, you will need the following equipment…

  • Olympic Barbell Set up to at least 300 pounds
  • A power rack with lat pulldown attachment
  • A weight lifting belt
  • Weight lifting shoes

Why Barbell Training?

The vast majority of you reading this page will benefit far more from legitimate strength training than from all of the “golf fitness” programs available combined.

Why do I say this?

Most golfers want to hit the ball further and they want to have the ability to enjoy the game at an advanced age.

The best way for most golfers to increase their swing speed (aside from making improvements to their golf swing) and have the ability to play golf into their 80s is to get stronger.

First, let’s talk about developing your power.

Power = Force x Velocity

The easiest way to add power for most people is to get stronger (increase force production).

Two cases in point…

Bryson DeChambeau went from being a long hitter by tour pro standards to one of the longest hitters on the planet because he got big and strong, and THEN worked on increasing his swing speed.

And case two… 3 time world long drive champion Kyle Berkshire himself has said the best way for most golfers to get more swing speed is by getting stronger.

What is strong?

Now, you can go on Youtube and find all kinds of golf fitness routines intended to help you increase your strength and flexibility, and by extension, your swing speed.

You also have actual swing speed training programs that can actually be quite effective in the short run.

However, they all put the cart before the horse.

Most golfers are actually not very strong.

I say this with confidence because most people don’t lift weights.

Studies vary, but the highest estimate I’ve seen of people who do regular strength training is 30%, and the lowest is under 10%.

It makes no sense to focus on mobility and speed training specific exercises if you don’t even have average strength.

The benefits of speed training will disappear shortly after you stop training, AND what good is it to be flexible if you are weak?

The beauty of getting strong is, even if you take some time off, you’ll have a foundation from which you can get that strength back quickly once you start training again.

But, what is strong?

In my view, the best indicator of overall, general strength is the deadlift.  It is a simple movement that incorporates nearly every major muscle group in the body.

This chart indicates the general strength standards for men ages 40 to 49.

The average, untrained 200 pound man in that age range can only deadlift 135 pounds.

Yet, a novice, or beginner lifter at that same weight can get their deadlift up to 250 pounds in a matter of just a couple of months.

Imagine how much more bang for your buck you will get by being able to deadlift 100 pounds more before you even get started on speed training!

Why you NEED to train for strength

If you are over the age of 40, and you want to have the ability to still hit the ball with good velocity after you hit 60, you need to train for strength.

Sometime around age 40, the process of sarcopenia begins.  Sarcopenia is age-related loss of muscle mass.  It happens to everyone.

The only way to avoid losing muscle and strength is through strength training.

Another issue for some people is loss of bone density.  This is particularly the case for women who’ve reached menopause.

Strength training has been scientifically proven to increase bone density as well.

The beauty of strength training is that, even if you don’t start training until after 70 years old, you can still increase your strength quite significantly.

But, why wait?

You can dramatically improve your quality of life if you start much sooner!

The most efficient way to build strength

weight lifting for golfers

Barbell Squat

The most efficient way to build strength is through the use of training compound movements with barbells.

Compound movements are those that train multiple joints and muscle groups.

The four best exercises for training for pure strength are the squat, deadlift, bench press and overhead press.

These exercises are the best for improving your strength because they can ultimately be loaded with the most weight, and because they involve natural human movement patterns, they are SAFE.

This is why it drives me around the bend to see trainers demonstrating exercises involving resistance bands, kettlebells and dumbbells without emphasizing these lifts.

These four exercises combined with proper programming send a powerful signal to the body.

The body then adapts by increasing muscle size, improving bone density, and increasing the strength of connective tissue so that you can continue to lift more weight.

The Longer Tee Shots Strength and Fitness Program

My training program is designed to take you from being totally untrained to intermediate level strength by the end of six months.

My program is focused around the four main lifts discussed previously, and a couple other exercises are also included.

The program will teach you…

  • How to perform each of the lifts
  • How to determine your starting weights
  • And how to progressively increase the weight for each exercise so you become stronger

Over time, as the training becomes more difficult, and it will, you will understand how to make appropriate changes to your workouts so you can continue to make progress.

Additional Training

golf fitnessIn addition to the Strength Training Program, I also include

  1. A conditioning component for trainees who also need to lose body fat.
  2. Diet and nutrition guidance so you know how much to eat and how to figure out the appropriate amount of macros to consume (protein, carbs and fat).
  3. A mobility and flexibility program including a full stretching guide along with a beginner yoga routine.
  4. Power and speed training (not to be confused with swing speed training).

The end result is you will become a stronger more powerful golfer, and a healthier human being!

Full Email Support for 3 Months

This program is designed for golfers who are comfortable going through the training on their own.

However, you will have full email support for three months to deal with any questions you may have regarding any of the training.

Your Investment

Before I get started on the “cost” of this program, consider a few things…

The cost of a decent new driver is now over $500.

The cost of a typical five lesson package from a good golf instructor is at least $500.

The cost of working with a good personal trainer 3 times per week is at least $900 for a month.

This program is not just designed to help you hit the golf ball further with more strength.

It is designed to help you become a healthier human so you can have a high quality of life in case you live to an advanced age.

What you will learn by training in this program is literally priceless in that regard.

Also, it is not meant to be one of those “beach body” type programs to get you in shape quickly.

This is a lifestyle changing program.

With all this in mind, this is the best bargain you can find in regard to golf fitness training.

Your investment in the Longer Tee Shots Strength and Fitness Program is $197.  

Get Started Now

To get started with this program, just click on the Paypal Button to the right, and you’ll find your materials in the Members Area once you get through the payment process.

You’ll have access to the training immediately upon signing up, and you can literally get started this very day.

Again, you will have full email support (I typically respond within 24 hours unless on vacation), and you will receive all of the bonus training.

Now, get to work!

weight training for golfers